Make Your 1st Tesla Coil - DIY school Project


Are you looking for the best circuit diagram and the best article about how to make a Tesla coil for your school project?

You are in the right place. In this article, I am not discussing how the Tesla coil works or how to measure everything. I am just discussing how you can make your Tesla coil for your school project in a very easy way.

So 1st of all we have to discuss what components are needed to make this project. 

You can make this project using a breadboard if you don't have a soldering iron.

Anyways, to do this project you need some-


  • 13007 transistor (NPN) 
  • Aluminium Heatsink
  • 1K ohm resistance 1/4w 
  • VV battery 32AWG enamel coated wire
  • 6 AWG enamel-coated wire
  • CFL tube
  • 12-20v DC 2Amp power supply or 9V battery
Making Process  

1st of all look at the transistor you bought, it has 3 legs- 
Hold it by facing the printed surface towards your face and your legs are downwards. Now you can see there are 
 legs present in this transistor.. the left one is its BASE  the middle one is COLLECTOR  and the right one is EMITER.

Here I used an aluminium heatsink because the transistor will get hot when you apply voltage on it. When you use only a single  9V battery you don`t need a heat sink, but when you use a 12v supply or 20v supply you must use a heatsink, otherwise your transistor will damage. 

So 1st of all I fix the transistor with a mini aluminium heatsink with the help of a screw. then I soldered 1K ohm resistant to the BASE of the transistor. The simple driver board for the Tesla coil is ready. Now It`s time to make the coil. 

Basically, the tesla coil has 5 parts, which are-
  • Top load 
  • Primary Coil
  • Secondary Coil
  • Insulated Base
  • Driver section
So you need to make the primary coil carefully. 
To make the primary coil, find a piece of plastic pipe which has a 1-inch diameter and 4 inches long. now let`s make 1st 1 turn and fix it with some crazy glue or with the help of cello tape. Now carefully turn the 32AWG wire around the plastic pipe. 
The primary coil should be 1500 turns. Now it is time to make the secondary winding. For it take the 6AWG wire and make 3-4 loops around the primary coil. 
Your Tesla coil is ready. Now it is time to connect the coil with the driver circuit. 

So you notice there are 3 terminals in the Tesla coil you just made. One is from the primary coil and another two are from the secondary coil. 

Connect the one end of the primary coil to the base of the transistor where you fixed the resistance earlier. Then connect one end of the secondary coil to the other end of the resistance and connect the last end with the other end of the resistance. 

Your full setup is ready. Now it is time to test it. So according to the diagram connect the Ground or -ve to the Emitor pin of the transistor, and connect +ve with that end where one terminal of the secondary coil and the end of the resistant meet. 

Now, if you take a fluorescent lamp or a neon lamp close to the coil it will turn on and start glowing. 

 Some Points To Remember 
  • If the Tesla coil doesn't work reverse the polarity of the secondary coil.
  • Be aware of High voltage and high frequency, which can destroy your electronic components so keep them at a safe distance.
  • Use a Stable DC power supply otherwise your transistor will damage.
  • Use the proper heatsink Otherwise, the transistor will overheat.
Some Theory You Can Explain In School Science Exhibition-
  • Tesla coil is one type of bad transformer
  • Tesla coil uses an electromagnetic field to generate high-voltage
  • Tesla coil uses air core inductance so it works only in high-frequency
  • Sir Nikola Tesla 1st Created the Tesla coil to distribute electricity to everybody just like today's mobile internet

Thank you for reading this article carefully. Now if you have any questions regarding this article, you can post them below. 

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Anurag Tripathi said…
More power to you bro 😎